Saturday, March 8, 2014

Teen Angsts

We all have problems, struggles, and things about our lives we'd like to change. For example, parents who don't really care about you (the real you, not just your transcripts and how you come off to other people) , a pretty messed up broken home giving me the illusion that family values was some myth made up by 1980s sitcoms, and a past of lots and lots of terrible "friends" (hey, you're a sidekick to me!). In the 7 years of teenagerdom, I don't think anyone has it perfect. We all have our struggles, or "angsts", whether they're major or trivial. I think it's okay to feel kinda down in the dumps about some of them sometimes, whether it be your mom leaving you right before your middle school years or getting nearly perfect grades in everything besides a 92 in dance (both being things I was pretty pissed about at one point). I think what we can all do is just be there for one another. I really don't think these things should effect our overall happiness. I don't think anything out of one's control should.

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